Muslim, Asian, British, Psychologist, Woman, Lifecoach... a new perspective
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
How to increase self-esteem or self respect among childrens?
assalamu 3alaykoum i wrote a comment before on this video but it seems something went wrong and it wasnt published.anyway,i hope you will get to read.i'm very intersted to know the name and email of the person speaking in this video.please accept this comment or please answer my request.for further information,contact me or place it on the blog,or as a comment.thank you.
Thank you for the interesting blog. I enjoy listening to the piece on Increasing of Self Esteem in children.
I have a question. I grew up in a family that foster shame and public humiliation as a disciplinary tool. As such I am suffering from low self esteem as an adult and I like to do something about this. Is there a way for me as an adult to be complete rid of poor self image, rebuild a new one despite all the abuse that I have experiences?
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear a reply from you.
Sorry Anonymous, I didnt seem to receive your previous comment, wuld you be able to repost it?
The person speaking is Yassir Farzaga. I dot have an e-mail address im afraid.
Ikaz - I think teh best way to re build your slef belief is focus on your spiritual side.
You see we are all equal in the eyes of Allah. No matter what we have done or not done. The only thing the seperate us is our level of faith. When we think about how much the Creator has done for us, for you as a person how can we not feel like kings. You know that saying sticks and stones may brake my bones, but neames will never hurt me. To some extent I will have to disagree. Names do hurt, people can really be mean to each other. But at the end of the day we do not do things to please others. Or whole aim and purpose is to please the One who gave us everything we need to be the best Muslims we can. If we please Allah, what person will stand in your way to receive the glad tidings of Jannah that Allah has promised the true believer. Have faith in Allah and Allah will have faith in you. Be please with Allah and He will be pleased with you. Beleive in Him and He will beleive in you.
I think there is so much that can be said and so much you can do to re build your self image, but use this as a starting point. It worked for me and I think its the best way to get anyone out of a low mood or low self esteem.
Build a strong foundation of faith and whatever ou build afterwards will be as strong and steardy, Inshallah.
assalamu 3alaykoum
i wrote a comment before on this video but it seems something went wrong and it wasnt published.anyway,i hope you will get to read.i'm very intersted to know the name and email of the person speaking in this video.please accept this comment or please answer my request.for further information,contact me or place it on the blog,or as a comment.thank you.
Thank you for the interesting blog. I enjoy listening to the piece on Increasing of Self Esteem in children.
I have a question. I grew up in a family that foster shame and public humiliation as a disciplinary tool. As such I am suffering from low self esteem as an adult and I like to do something about this. Is there a way for me as an adult to be complete rid of poor self image, rebuild a new one despite all the abuse that I have experiences?
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear a reply from you.
Mohammed Zaki, Singapore
Assalamu alaykum
Sorry Anonymous, I didnt seem to receive your previous comment, wuld you be able to repost it?
The person speaking is Yassir Farzaga. I dot have an e-mail address im afraid.
Ikaz - I think teh best way to re build your slef belief is focus on your spiritual side.
You see we are all equal in the eyes of Allah. No matter what we have done or not done. The only thing the seperate us is our level of faith. When we think about how much the Creator has done for us, for you as a person how can we not feel like kings. You know that saying sticks and stones may brake my bones, but neames will never hurt me. To some extent I will have to disagree. Names do hurt, people can really be mean to each other. But at the end of the day we do not do things to please others. Or whole aim and purpose is to please the One who gave us everything we need to be the best Muslims we can. If we please Allah, what person will stand in your way to receive the glad tidings of Jannah that Allah has promised the true believer. Have faith in Allah and Allah will have faith in you. Be please with Allah and He will be pleased with you. Beleive in Him and He will beleive in you.
I think there is so much that can be said and so much you can do to re build your self image, but use this as a starting point. It worked for me and I think its the best way to get anyone out of a low mood or low self esteem.
Build a strong foundation of faith and whatever ou build afterwards will be as strong and steardy, Inshallah.
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