Tuesday, March 27, 2007

on the verge of giving up

Assalamu alaykum

well the time has come crunch time!

as sisters in this wounderful deen there comes a time when reality stricks you, what is expected from us by others and ourselves. These two expections usually colide and opose one another.

I had a dream, a very idealic one I know, I wanted to help the ummah in a way which I thought was very well thought out and plausible. But Qadr... its a funny thing that is, destiny, no matter how well you plan Allah always has an ulktimate plan for us all in the end.

The role of a woman can take so many roads, the one i am on now seems never ending, i havent had the chance to write on here, because i just havent had the time. I working for a muslim charity at the moment, the work feels like i am wasting my skills, but on the other hand i cant do anything else, no one else wants to employ me because of my lack of experince... well how am I going to get a job without experience and how am i going to get experince without a job! ahhh its a never ending ficious cycle. So I am stuck in two jobs which is not creativly stimulating at all....

But there is hope at the end if the tunnel.. I hope, and pray! Inshallah i will be going back to studying, to do a graduate course in counselling, so the only way toi fix a problem is to be proactive, if you want to make a chnage in your life, start by changing yourself change the attitude!


Anonymous said...

Asalamu Alaikum Sister,

I am going thru the same problem. I have studied a graduate course and I can't find employement becoz I have no experience.

But I see it as a test and inshallah I wil keep on trying.

bintyaqub said...

wa alaykum assalam mysterious anon!

Yes definatly a test.

Sometimes as sisters it can get harder. I know some sisters who have completely gone off trying to pursue their dreams and insted go to plan B! Can you guess what that is! yes thats right Marriage!

Its funny because we are lead to beleive we cant do both, but who said? Who knows our limits but orselves, women should be the judge on what they can and cannot handle. Its true most cant be a full time mum, mother and daughter and some sisters have the blesing of an understanding and supportive hasband who recognise the need for certian careers or jobs that need to be filled by these very same sisters.

Khair, I have a lot to say and shall be puting my thoughts into a post.. once I get the time!