Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Self Image Psychology

assalamu alaykum,

a good talk by Yassir Fazaga regarding covering a wide scope of Islamic perspective of psychology, including self esteem, anxiety and more...

Self Image Psychology - Part 01
Self Image Psychology - Part 02
Self Image Psychology - Part 03
Self Image Psychology - Part 04
Self Image Psychology - Part 05
Self Image Psychology - Part 06
Self Image Psychology - Part 07
Self Image Psychology - Part 08
Self Image Psychology - Part 09
Self Image Psychology - Part 10
Self Image Psychology - Part 11
Self Image Psychology - Part 12
Self Image Psychology - Part 13
Self Image Psychology - Part 14
Self Image Psychology - Part 15

Self Image Psychology expounds on some of the harmful messages promoted by the western media. The speaker points out how these common messages damage the Muslims’ self-image psychology. Among the many things discussed in this presentation are examples of proper self-respect and self-reverence from the lives of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (s). In addition, the speaker mentions common acts that entail lack of self esteem, such as the changing of Muslim names to non Muslim ones and the changing of the Islamic identity in general. The mere nature of this discussion reveals how Muslims today really view themselves.



Anonymous said...

Manipulation of people's self-image is not a 'Western' thing...so the speaker is skewing this very important topic into anti-West and pro-Muslim propaganda. For shame.

Anyway, self-image psychology is EXTREMELY important. For a more organized, scientific, and thorough explanation of how EVERYONE has their self-image manipulated, how to overcome that manipulation, and ho to create a great (but realistice) self-image, read Maxwell Maltz books about self-image psychology.

Anonymous said...

Oh I see. You only posts comments you like. Freedom-loving people don't put up with controlling the conversation. Good luck twisting 'the freedom to control one's self-image' into 'Islam's middle men should provide everyone's self-image.'

Pushing people out of media influence of self-image to Islamic control of self-image is like going out of the frying pan into the fire. At least you have a fighting chance with the media...with a religion, at best you become an elite member of a cult.

When people discover they don't need any organization to have a great self-image, civilization will evolve.

bintyaqub said...

Dear Anonymous

Appologise for the late comments. I dont have the chance to regularly check the blog like I used to.

Like you state, freedom of speech... What the speaker has stated it what he thinks according to what he knows, thus to call it skewing, surely that would be a quick judgement.

From what I understood, it didnt seem like it was an anti western talk, in fact if you met the speaker he is very much for many western ideas and views. Not all Muslims are anti Western.

Let me ask you.... a little project for you and all others out there. Look and analyse the media from all parts of the world, cheak out what their programme revolves around, how it is delivered and what you think about the channel. Media is of all types.

By the way, I am not a cult member.