Sunday, May 27, 2007

How to write a cover letter


It should answer the question - Why should I hire you? It should grab the employers attention and point out why you, above all other applicants, should be contacted for a personal interview.

YOUR ADDRESS (Do not put your name here)

Mr./Ms. EMPLOYER'S NAME (If you don't have one, get one!)




FIRST PARAGRAPH: This is the "why I'm writing to you" paragraph which immediately tells the employer the position you want to be considered for. This is short - usually 2-3 sentences. Points to cover:

*Why you are writing and which position you are applying for.
*How you heard about the position is irrelevant unless it is a mutual contact or recruiting program. Do not write, "I learned of this opportunity through the Career Services Office."
*Show from your research why you are interested in this position or organization. The goal is to make a connection - do this Briefly and Specifically or leave it out; sweeping statements will not work.

SECOND PARAGRAPH: This is the "why I'm qualified" paragraph. Highlight some of your most relevant experiences and qualities as they relate to the position for which you are applying.

Choose 2 - 3 points you want to make about Specific experiences/accomplishments or about general qualities you have exhibited, and provide Specific examples to support those points.

This paragraph will change according to the job/employer for which you are applying. This is usually the longest paragraph of the letter. You may break this paragraph into two if it looks too lengthy or if your points work best in separate paragraphs. Points to ponder:

The first sentence should be a hard-hitting opener. It is a quick introduction, which is accomplishment-oriented and directed at the skills and qualifications needed for the job/industry.

The body of the paragraph should provide evidence to back up what you've just claimed. Cite specific jobs/internships/activities/projects and accomplishments associated with those experiences. Use your resume to come up with some specifics, but NEVER reiterate passages from your resume word for word. Discuss why what you did is to the employer- relate the facts to the job. Strong examples are important!

The final sentence is a summary of what you've discussed above. It's a good idea to mention the position title and company name to bring the reader back to the specific job in question.

FINAL PARAGRAPH: This is a short 2-4 sentences paragraph. You should refer to the enclosed resume, request an interview and let the reader know what will happen next (Contact them within specific period of time unless it is a recruiting program). It is vital that you thank the reader for his/her time and consideration.

Your Signature
Your Name


Tips to Make Your Letter Professional

*Research the company and the specifics about the position so you can tailor your letter to the needs of the organization.

*Avoid using too many sentences that start with "I" or writing in the passive voice (ex. "This experience enabled me to..." or "Through my internship, I was responsible for..."); instead, make yourself the subject of each sentence and use active descriptions (ex., "In this internship, I demonstrated sound judgment and problem-solving skills on a daily basis.").

*Do not use contractions (I'd, didn't, it's).

*Spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes are out of the question! Cover letters are a reflection of your writing skills, so make each cover letter an example of your best work.
Be sure to sign your letters. (Black ink is suggested)

*Keep your letter short and simple. This is not the time to tell your whole life's story.
Have a Career Specialist review your cover letters during drop-in hours: Monday-Friday 1:30 – 4:30 and Wednesday 8:30am – 11:30am OR you can make an appointment anytime.

*Use good quality paper that matches your resume paper and envelopes.

More info

Monday, May 14, 2007

Are you a seeker?

Assalamu alaykum

Ever needed a quick fix for happiness? Well you know what there is one! But there is a catch! Our hearts must ne fist open, ready for acceptence and ready to give from whatever is needed from us and others.

The following is some great traits which we should all try to obtain to make ourselves and others feel wanted and loved, to fill pur lives with sustenence, to grasp the concept of tranquility, for our hearts to be complete, and to be a true seeker of happiness.

Characteristics of The Seeker of Happiness

Ibn al-Qayyim said:

"...The seeker of Allah and the Hereafter - rather, the one who seeks to obtain all knowledge, productiveness, and leadership, such that he is a leader who is taken as an example in all of this - should be brave, bold, in control of his whims, and not under the control of his imagination.

He should be abstinent from everything except that which he is after, passionate about what he has turned his face towards, knowing the path to it, as well as the paths which lead away from it.

He should be bold in his aspiration, firm in his resolve, and not swayed from his goal by the blame of the blamers or the discouragement of the discouragers.

He should generally be tranquil, constantly in thought, and not be moved by the sweetness of a compliment or the pain of criticism.

He should be forthcoming in providing himself with what he needs to help him obtain his goal, and should not be incited by those who oppose him.

His slogan should be patience, and his rest should be his fatigue, and he should love to have the best manners.

He should make the best of his time, not mixing with the people except in a most cautious state, just like a bird that quickly comes down to snatch a morsel from between two people.

He should stand over himself, encouraging himself by way of hope and fear, and should seek to be outstanding amongst his group..."

['al-Fawa'id'; p. 265]