Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Golden 15

In his book "Tibb an Nabawi" (trans. Medicine of The Prophet by Jalal Abual Rub, Darussalam publishers) Ibn Qayyim rahimullah says the following at the end of the chapter

"The Prophet's Guidance on Treating Sadness, Grief and Depression."

"These cures that we mention are of 15 types. If they are not sufficient to remove sadness, depression and grief, then the sickness has become chronic and needs to be completely removed and dissipated.

1 - Affirming Allaah's Oneness in His Lordship

2 - Affirming Allaah's Oneness in His Worship

3 - The belief in the creed of Tawheed

4 - Praising Allaah for not dealing with His slave with injustice and for not punishing him without a reason

5 - The slave's affirming that it is he who has committed the injustice

6 - Pleading to Allaah by the most beloved methods to Him, by His Names, Attributes such as al-'Hay (The Ever Living), Al Qayyum (Who Sustains everything and everyone)

7 - Depending and relying on Allaah Alone for everything

8 - The slave affirms that his hope is only in Allaah

9 - Acquiring true dependence on Allaah and relating all matters to Him, while admitting that the slave's forelock is in His Hands Alone and that He does with it whatever He will. Also admitting that Allaah's decision on the slave will certainly come to pass and that His judgement is certainly just.

10 - The slave's heart should enjoy the gardens of the Qur'an and should make the Qur'an just like the spring of pure water to the animals. Also the slave should use the light of the Qur'an to shatter the darkness of desires and lusts. The Qur'an should be one's companion when no one else is present; the comfort that relieves every type of calamity and the cure that discards every illness that attacks the slave's heart. In short, the Qur'an should be the remover of sadness and the end of depression and grief.

11 - Turning to istighfaar, seeking forgiveness from Allaah

12 - Repenting to Allaah

13 - Performing jihad in Allaah's Cause

14 - Performing prayer

15 - Relating all power and strength to He Who grasps them in His Hands."

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Course ~ Islamic Counselling

Assalamu alaykum there is a Islamic Counselling course which looks very interesting for those who wish to broden their carer oppotunities or who wish to further their understanding in this field. Inshallah I plan to go, looks very useful.

Dear Brother/Sister,

Asalaam alaikum waRahmatullahi waBarakatahu,

Islam is both a religion and a culture that influences the life of its followers. It is necessary to emphasise the spiritual needs of clients as part of effective, whole person care. Research has shown that people from ethnic minority groups can experience difficulty accessing services (e.g. poor religious and cultural understanding by service staff). The Muslim community has become increasingly aware of the importance of mental health issues, the need for effective communication in family networks, relationships within the ummah and relationships with non-Muslims.

In response to the above, MIHE has developed the Certificate in Islamic Counselling as a follow on from the Introduction to Islamic Counselling short courses. The certificate course provides students with an opportunity to acquire both the practical experience and the theoretical understanding required to use Islamic Counselling skills competently in an Islamic work-related context or a voluntary helping capacity as well as those whose work includes a specific counselling type role.

MIHE are working towards accreditation by the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.

MIHE have successfully ran other short courses such as Training of Muslim Chaplains, Diploma in Islamic Jurisprudence, Diploma in Islamic Finance and Introduction to Islamic Counselling.

If you are interested in attending the course then please complete an application form which can be downloaded from our website and send it to the MIHE address as soon as possible.
Jazakalakhayrun for your help and please do remember us in your dua’s.

Yours sincerely,

Ghazala Sadiq
Short Course Administrator