Sunday, December 31, 2006

Treating Distress and Grief

Assalamu alaykum

Subhanallah, Glory be to Allah, we have been blessed to be in the folds of a deen, a religion that has come with a cure for everything. If we only try to seek the answers in the words of Allah we will not be disapointed. Depression is one of those hot topics which I have been asked alot about and its something that I havent got all the asnwers to myself, hence we look into the gift of Islam for our answers o those life long questions. How to deal with life!

The following is the basic steps we should all be trying to strive for, to keep us going in days of trials and for distress and grief. Know that what we go through in this life is nothing to those trials and tribulations of those before us. However Allah test our pios predesessors in a different way to how He tests us. Saying that we all have the same remedy which can be found if only we open our eyes to see and open our hearts to feel.


Writings of Immam Ibn al-Qayyim on Treating Distress and Grief:

Following this discussion of cures, we will pause to look briefly at the list written by Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) in which he lists fifteen kinds of remedies through which Allaah may alleviate distress and grief:

1. Tawheed al-Ruboobiyyah (Unity of Divine Lordship)

2. Tawheed al-Uloohiyyah (Unity of Divinity)

3. Unity of belief, i.e. Tawheed al-Asmaa’ wa’l-Siffaat (Unity of the Divine Names and Attributes).

4. To declare that Allaah is far above mistreating His slave or punishing him without any cause on the part of the slave himself.

5. Admission on the part of the slave that he is the wrongdoer.

6. Beseeching Allaah by the best of things, which are His Names and Attributes. Among the most comprehensive in meaning of His Names and Attributes are the Names al-Hayyu (the Ever-Living), al-Qayoom (the Eternal).

7. Seeking the help of Allaah Alone.

8. Putting one’s hope in Allaah.

9. Putting one’s trust in Allaah and handing over all one’s affairs to Him, recognizing that one’s forelock is in His hand, that Allaah runs all one’s affairs as He wills, that His command is ever executed and that His decree is just.

10. Reading Qur’aan and pondering its meaning, seeking consolation in it for all disasters, and seeking a cure in it for all diseases of the heart (i.e., spiritual or psychological diseases) for it washes away grief and heals his distress and anxiety.

11. Seeking the forgiveness of Allaah.

12. Repentance

13. Jihaad (striving for the sake of Allaah).

14. Salaat (prayer)

15. Admitting that one has no power or strength at all, and attributing them to the One Who holds them in His hand.

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